Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Notice of the requirement that a bridge or railway be lighted shall be given at least twenty days before any forfeiture or charge is imposed for default, and such notice may be given by delivering a written or printed copy of the ordinance to an owner or part owner, or any person having possession, charge or management of such bridge or railway. When such ordinance requires the lighting of a railway, service of such written or printed copy of the ordinance upon a ticket or freight agent of the railway company in such municipal corporation, and, if there is no such ticket or freight agent, upon any ticket or freight agent of the company in the county in which the municipal corporation is located, shall be sufficient, and shall charge the person, company, corporation, or partnership owning or operating such railway with notice of the passage of the ordinance and the requirements thereof.