| Expenditure of Construction or Repair Funds.

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Effective: October 1, 1953

Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly

All funds arising from the sale of bonds for the construction or repair of viaducts of a municipal corporation, or for the purchase or condemnation of land for such purpose, shall be paid into the treasury of the municipal corporation and paid out and expended upon the vouchers of the board or officer having charge of the repair of public roads or streets. Contracts for such improvements shall be made in the same manner as other contracts are required to be made. Vouchers to pay such contracts or any portion of the cost of such improvements shall be drawn by such board or officer upon the auditor or clerk of the municipal corporation, who shall keep an accurate account of moneys so expended.

The funds created by the sale of bonds for viaduct purposes shall be known as the "viaduct fund."

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