Effective: October 16, 1961
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 412 - 104th General Assembly
When any street, alley, or public highway, or a portion thereof, is vacated or narrowed by a municipality pursuant to the provisions of any section of Chapter 723. of the Revised Code, and the relocation of any conduits, cables, wires, towers, poles, sewer lines, steam lines, pipelines, gas and water lines, tracks, or other equipment or appliances of any railroad or public utility, whether owned privately or by any governmental authority, located on, over, or under the portion of the street, alley, or highway affected by such vacation or narrowing, is not required for purposes of the municipality, including urban renewal, any affected railroad or public utility shall be deemed to have a permanent easement in such vacated portion or excess portion of such street, alley, or highway for the purpose of maintaining, operating, renewing, reconstructing, and removing said utility facilities and for purposes of access to said facilities.