| Approval or Rejection - Rules to Govern Plats.

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Effective: September 17, 2010

Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 110 - 128th General Assembly

(A) Upon the submission of a plat for approval, in accordance with section 711.041 of the Revised Code, the board of county commissioners shall certify on it the date of the submission. Within five days of submission of the plat, the board shall schedule a meeting to consider the plat and send a written notice by regular mail to the fiscal officer of the board of township trustees of the township in which the plat is located and the board of health of the health district in which the plat is located. The notice shall inform the trustees and the board of health of the submission of the plat and of the date, time, and location of any meeting at which the board of county commissioners will consider or act upon the proposed plat. The meeting shall take place within thirty days of submission of the plat, and no meeting shall be held until at least seven days have passed from the date the notice was sent by the board of county commissioners. The approval of the board required by section 711.041 of the Revised Code or the refusal to approve shall take place within thirty days from the date of submission or such further time as the applying party may agree to in writing; otherwise, the plat is deemed approved and may be recorded as if bearing such approval.

(B) The board may adopt general rules governing plats and subdivisions of land falling within its jurisdiction, to secure and provide for the coordination of the streets within the subdivision with existing streets and roads or with existing county highways, for the proper amount of open spaces for traffic, circulation, and utilities, and for the avoidance of future congestion of population detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, but shall not impose a greater minimum lot area than forty-eight hundred square feet. Before the board may amend or adopt rules, it shall notify all the townships in the county of the proposed amendments or rules by regular mail at least thirty days before the public meeting at which the proposed amendments or rules are to be considered.

The rules may require the board of health to review and comment on a plat before the board of county commissioners acts upon it and may also require proof of compliance with any applicable zoning resolutions, and with sewage treatment rules adopted under section 3718.02 of the Revised Code, as a basis for approval of a plat. Where under section 711.101 of the Revised Code the board of county commissioners has set up standards and specifications for the construction of streets, utilities, and other improvements for common use, the general rules may require the submission of appropriate plans and specifications for approval. The board shall not require the person submitting the plat to alter the plat or any part of it as a condition for approval, as long as the plat is in accordance with general rules governing plats and subdivisions of land, adopted by the board as provided in this section, in effect at the time the plat was submitted and the plat is in accordance with any standards and specifications set up under section 711.101 of the Revised Code, in effect at the time the plat was submitted.

(C) The ground of refusal to approve any plat, submitted in accordance with section 711.041 of the Revised Code, shall be stated upon the record of the board, and, within sixty days thereafter, the person submitting any plat that the board refuses to approve may file a petition in the court of common pleas of the county in which the land described in the plat is situated to review the action of the board. A board of township trustees is not entitled to appeal a decision of the board of county commissioners under this section.

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