Effective: February 21, 1967
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 107th General Assembly
At the time of surveying and laying out a village, or subdivision or addition to a municipal corporation, the proprietor of such village, or subdivision or addition, shall plant at the corner of the public ground or lot, if there is such, and if there is none, then at the corner of one of the in-lots and at the corner of each out-lot, a good and sufficient stone, of such size and dimensions and in such manner as the surveyor provided for under section 711.01 of the Revised Code directs, for a corner from which to make future surveys, and the point at which it may be found shall be designated on the plat.
Such proprietor shall direct the surveyor to place and set at least four permanent markers in each plat of ten lots or less. In a village or in a subdivision, addition, or allotment having more than ten lots, whether within or without a municipal corporation, the proprietor shall cause to be placed as many additional permanent markers as the surveyor deems necessary to properly control his original survey. Such permanent markers shall be placed in a manner so that the line of sight between such markers can be observed from one marker to the other. Such markers shall be made of either stone or concrete at least four inches in diamenter, or four inches square, and properly marked. The markings on such markers shall consist of a cross cut with the legs of the cross at least three inches long and at least one-eighth inch deep. Solid iron pins of at least one inch diameter may also be used as permanent markers. All stone, concrete, or iron pin markers shall be at least thirty inches long and the bottom of such markers shall be set at least thirty inches below finished grade.
If the location for a permanent marker is originally determined to be in an area of solid rock it may be relocated and offset from its original position. Such relocation must be noted on the plat. These and all other markers shall be designated on the plat before it is presented for record, but setting of such markers shall not be required prior to completion of construction necessary to the improvement of the land.