Effective: March 24, 2021
Latest Legislation: House Bill 340 - 133rd General Assembly
If the cleaning out or repair of a ditch, drain, or watercourse, repair or replacement of tile, or repair of any abutment, catch basin, retaining wall or other improvement is made necessary in whole or in part by the negligent acts or omissions of an owner, the board of county commissioners shall conduct a hearing regarding the acts or omissions. The board shall give notice of the hearing thirty days prior to the hearing pursuant to the provisions of section 6131.07 of the Revised Code. After the hearing, the board may add to the maintenance assessment of the negligent owner an additional repair assessment in an amount sufficient to rectify the damage. The added assessment shall be made on recommendation of the county engineer and certified to the county auditor at the same time the annual maintenance assessment is certified by the board.