Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
There is hereby granted to the Ohio river valley water sanitation commission and the commissioners thereof all the powers provided for in the Ohio river valley water sanitation compact set forth in section 6113.01 of the Revised Code and all the powers necessary or incidental to the carrying out of said compact in every particular. All officers of the state shall do all things falling within their respective provinces and jurisdiction necessary or incidental to the carrying out of said compact in every particular. It is the policy of the state to perform and carry out said compact and to accomplish the purposes thereof. All officers, bureaus, departments, and persons of and in the government or administration of the state at convenient times and upon request of said commission shall furnish said commission with information and data possessed by them and shall aid said commission by loan of personnel or other means lying within their legal powers respectively.
The courts of common pleas are hereby granted the jurisdiction specified in article IX of said compact, and the office of the attorney general or any other law enforcing officer of the state may institute any action for the enforcement of the orders of the commission as specified in said article IX of the compact.