Effective: September 21, 2000
Latest Legislation: House Bill 617 - 123rd General Assembly
The secretary of the conservancy district shall be the custodian of the records of the district and shall assist the board of directors in the particulars it directs in the performance of its duties. The secretary shall attest all certified copies of the official records and files of the district that are required of the secretary by this chapter or by any person ordering copies and paying the reasonable cost of transcription. Any portion of a record so certified and attested prima-facie imports verity. The secretary shall serve also as treasurer of the conservancy district, unless a treasurer is otherwise provided for by the board.
The board may employ a chief engineer; an attorney; and other engineers, attorneys, agents, and assistants as are needed, and may provide for their compensation, which, with all other necessary expenditures, shall be taken as a part of the cost of the improvement.
The employment of the secretary, treasurer, chief engineer, and attorney for the district shall be evidenced by agreements in writing, which, so far as possible, shall specify the amounts to be paid for their services.
The chief engineer shall be superintendent of all the works and improvements, shall make a full report to the board each year, or more often if required, and may make suggestions and recommendations to the board as the chief engineer considers proper.
The board may require any officer or employee of the district to give bond for the faithful performance of the officer's or employee's official duties in an amount prescribed by it, the expense of the bond to be paid from the funds of the district.
The secretary or treasurer may take and certify the acknowledgment of instruments granting easements or rights-of-way to the district. Acknowledgment and certification, subscribed by the secretary or treasurer, is an acknowledgment and certification for purposes of section 5301.01 of the Revised Code.