Effective: December 22, 2015
Latest Legislation: House Bill 340 - 131st General Assembly
(A) The tax provided by this chapter for domestic corporations shall be the amount charged against each corporation organized for profit under the laws of this state and each nonprofit corporation organized pursuant to Chapter 1729. of the Revised Code, except as provided in sections 5733.09 and 5733.10 of the Revised Code, for the privilege of exercising its franchise during the calendar year in which that amount is payable, and the tax provided by this chapter for foreign corporations shall be the amount charged against each corporation organized for profit and each nonprofit corporation organized or operating in the same or similar manner as nonprofit corporations organized under Chapter 1729. of the Revised Code, under the laws of any state or country other than this state, except as provided in sections 5733.09 and 5733.10 of the Revised Code, for the privilege of doing business in this state, owning or using a part or all of its capital or property in this state, holding a certificate of compliance with the laws of this state authorizing it to do business in this state, or otherwise having nexus in or with this state under the Constitution of the United States, during the calendar year in which that amount is payable.
(B) A corporation is subject to the tax imposed by section 5733.06 of the Revised Code for each calendar year prior to 2014 that it is so organized, doing business, owning or using a part or all of its capital or property, holding a certificate of compliance, or otherwise having nexus in or with this state under the Constitution of the United States, on the first day of January of that calendar year. No credit authorized by this chapter may be claimed for tax year 2014 or any tax year thereafter.
(C) Any corporation subject to this chapter that is not subject to the federal income tax shall file its returns and compute its tax liability as required by this chapter in the same manner as if that corporation were subject to the federal income tax.
(D) For purposes of this chapter, a federally chartered financial institution shall be deemed to be organized under the laws of the state within which its principal office is located.
(E) For purposes of this chapter, any person, as defined in section 5701.01 of the Revised Code, shall be treated as a corporation if the person is classified for federal income tax purposes as an association taxable as a corporation, and an equity interest in the person shall be treated as capital stock of the person.
(F) For the purposes of this chapter, "disregarded entity" has the same meaning as in division (D) of section 5745.01 of the Revised Code.
(1) A person's interest in a disregarded entity, whether held directly or indirectly, shall be treated as the person's ownership of the assets and liabilities of the disregarded entity, and the income, including gain or loss, shall be included in the person's net income under this chapter.
(2) Any sale, exchange, or other disposition of the person's interest in the disregarded entity, whether held directly or indirectly, shall be treated as a sale, exchange, or other disposition of the person's share of the disregarded entity's underlying assets or liabilities, and the gain or loss from such sale, exchange, or disposition shall be included in the person's net income under this chapter.
(3) The disregarded entity's payroll, property, and sales factors shall be included in the person's factors.
(G) The tax a corporation is required to pay under this chapter shall be as follows:
(1)(a) For financial institutions, the greater of the minimum payment required under division (E) of section 5733.06 of the Revised Code or the difference between all taxes charged the financial institution under this chapter, without regard to division (G)(2) of this section, less any credits allowable against such tax.
(b) A corporation satisfying the description in division (E)(5), (6), (7), (8), or (10) of section 5751.01 of the Revised Code, as that section existed before its amendment by H.B. 510 of the 129th general assembly, that is not a financial institution, insurance company, or dealer in intangibles is subject to the taxes imposed under this chapter as a corporation and not subject to tax as a financial institution, and shall pay the greater of the minimum payment required under division (E) of section 5733.06 of the Revised Code or the difference between all the taxes charged under this chapter, without regard to division (G)(2) of this section, less any credits allowable against such tax.
(2) For all corporations other than those persons described in division (G)(1)(a) or (b) of this section, the amount under division (G)(2)(a) of this section applicable to the tax year specified less the amount under division (G)(2)(b) of this section:
(a)(i) For tax year 2005, the greater of the minimum payment required under division (E) of section 5733.06 of the Revised Code or the difference between all taxes charged the corporation under this chapter and any credits allowable against such tax;
(ii) For tax year 2006, the greater of the minimum payment required under division (E) of section 5733.06 of the Revised Code or four-fifths of the difference between all taxes charged the corporation under this chapter and any credits allowable against such tax, except the qualifying pass-through entity tax credit described in division (A)(30) and the refundable credits described in divisions (A)(31) to (35) of section 5733.98 of the Revised Code;
(iii) For tax year 2007, the greater of the minimum payment required under division (E) of section 5733.06 of the Revised Code or three-fifths of the difference between all taxes charged the corporation under this chapter and any credits allowable against such tax, except the qualifying pass-through entity tax credit described in division (A)(30) and the refundable credits described in divisions (A)(31) to (35) of section 5733.98 of the Revised Code;
(iv) For tax year 2008, the greater of the minimum payment required under division (E) of section 5733.06 of the Revised Code or two-fifths of the difference between all taxes charged the corporation under this chapter and any credits allowable against such tax, except the qualifying pass-through entity tax credit described in division (A)(30) and the refundable credits described in divisions (A)(31) to (35) of section 5733.98 of the Revised Code;
(v) For tax year 2009, the greater of the minimum payment required under division (E) of section 5733.06 of the Revised Code or one-fifth of the difference between all taxes charged the corporation under this chapter and any credits allowable against such tax, except the qualifying pass-through entity tax credit described in division (A)(30) and the refundable credits described in divisions (A)(31), (32), (33), and (34) of section 5733.98 of the Revised Code;
(vi) For tax year 2010 and each tax year thereafter, no tax.
(b) A corporation shall subtract from the amount calculated under division (G)(2)(a)(ii), (iii), (iv), or (v) of this section any qualifying pass-through entity tax credit described in division (A)(30) and any refundable credits described in divisions (A)(31) to (35) of section 5733.98 of the Revised Code to which the corporation is entitled. Any unused qualifying pass-through entity tax credit is not refundable.
(c) For the purposes of computing the amount of a credit that may be carried forward to a subsequent tax year under division (G)(2) of this section, a credit is utilized against the tax for a tax year to the extent the credit applies against the tax for that tax year, even if the difference is then multiplied by the applicable fraction under division (G)(2)(a) of this section.
(d) References in division (G)(2) of this section to section 5733.98 of the Revised Code is to that section before its amendment by H.B. 59 of the 130th general assembly and by H.B. 340 of the 131st general assembly.
(3) Nothing in division (G) of this section eliminates or reduces the tax imposed by section 5733.41 of the Revised Code on a qualifying pass-through entity.