Effective: March 27, 2013
Latest Legislation: House Bill 510 - 129th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "qualified research expenses" has the same meaning as in section 41 of the Internal Revenue Code.
(B) A taxpayer may claim a nonrefundable credit against the tax imposed under this chapter equal to seven per cent of the excess of (1) the qualified research expenses incurred by the taxpayer in this state in a taxable year over (2) the average annual qualified research expenses incurred by the taxpayer in this state in the three previous taxable years. For the purposes of this division, "qualified research expenses incurred by the taxpayer" includes the qualified research expenses incurred by all persons included in the annual report of the taxpayer and by any insurance company subject to the tax levied under section 5725.18 or Chapter 5729. of the Revised Code that has more than fifty per cent of its ownership interests directly or indirectly owned or controlled by a person included in the annual report of the taxpayer, even though such an insurance company is not subject to the tax imposed under this chapter.
(C) A taxpayer shall claim the credit allowed under this section in the order prescribed by section 5726.98 of the Revised Code. If the amount of the credit exceeds the amount of tax otherwise due after deducting all other credits preceding the credit in the order prescribed in section 5726.98 of the Revised Code, the excess may be carried forward for not more than seven ensuing tax years. The amount of the excess credit claimed in any such year shall be deducted from the balance carried forward to the next tax year.
(D) A taxpayer may claim against the tax imposed under this chapter any unused portion of a credit authorized under section 5733.351 of the Revised Code but only to the extent of the remaining portion of the seven-year carry-forward period authorized by that section.