Effective: March 27, 2013
Latest Legislation: House Bill 510 - 129th General Assembly
(A)(1) A person whose document of creation has been canceled by the secretary of state pursuant to section 5726.40 the Revised Code shall be reinstated and again entitled to exercise its rights, privileges, and franchises in this state upon compliance with all of the following:
(a) Filing with the secretary of state a certificate from the tax commissioner that the person has complied with all the requirements of law as to tax reports and paid all taxes, fees, or penalties due thereon for every year of delinquency;
(b) Payment to the secretary of state of any additional fees and penalties required to be paid to the secretary of state;
(c) Payment to the secretary of state of an additional fee of ten dollars.
Upon the person's compliance with this division, the secretary of state shall cancel the entry of cancellation filed under section 5726.40 of the Revised Code.
(2) If a reinstatement is not made within one year from the date of cancellation of the document of creation, and if it appears that a document of creation has been issued to a person of the same or similar name as the applicant for reinstatement, the secretary of state shall require, as a condition prerequisite to such reinstatement, that the applicant amend its document of creation by changing the applicant's name.
(B) Any officer, shareholder, creditor, or receiver of a person may at any time take all steps required by this section to effect a reinstatement.
(C) The rights, privileges, and franchises of a person whose document of creation has been reinstated in accordance with this section are subject to section 1701.922 of the Revised Code.
(D) Notwithstanding a violation of section 5726.41 of the Revised Code, upon reinstatement of a person's document of creation in accordance with this section, neither section 5726.40 nor section 5726.41 of the Revised Code shall be applied to invalidate the exercise or attempt to exercise any right, privilege, or franchise on behalf of the person by an officer, agent, or employee of the person after cancellation and prior to the reinstatement of the document of creation, if the conditions set forth in divisions (B)(1)(a) and (b) of section 1701.922 of the Revised Code are met.