Effective: March 27, 2020
Latest Legislation: House Bill 197 - 133rd General Assembly
(A)(1) The form of the notice required to be attached to the published delinquent tax list by division (B)(3) of section 5721.03 of the Revised Code shall be in substance as follows:
The lands, lots, and parts of lots returned delinquent by the county treasurer of ___________________ county, with the taxes, assessments, interest, and penalties, charged against them agreeably to law, are contained and described in the following list: (Here insert the list with the names of the owners of such respective tracts of land or town lots as designated on the delinquent tax list. If, prior to seven days before the publication of the list, a delinquent tax contract has been entered into under section 323.31 of the Revised Code, the owner's name may be stricken from the list or designated by an asterisk shown in the margin next to the owner's name.)
Notice is hereby given that the whole of such several lands, lots, or parts of lots will be certified for foreclosure by the county auditor pursuant to law unless the whole of the delinquent taxes, assessments, interest, and penalties are paid within one year or unless a tax certificate with respect to the parcel is sold under section 5721.32 or 5721.33 of the Revised Code. The names of persons who have entered into a written delinquent tax contract with the county treasurer to discharge the delinquency are designated by an asterisk or have been stricken from the list."
(2) If the county treasurer has certified to the county auditor that the treasurer intends to offer for sale or assign a tax certificate with respect to one or more parcels of delinquent land under section 5721.32 or 5721.33 of the Revised Code, the form of the notice shall include the following statement, appended after the second paragraph of the notice prescribed by division (A)(1) of this section:
"Notice also is hereby given that a tax certificate may be offered for sale or assigned under section 5721.32 or 5721.33 of the Revised Code with respect to those parcels shown on this list. If a tax certificate on a parcel is purchased, the purchaser of the tax certificate acquires the state's or its taxing district's first lien against the property, and an additional interest charge of up to eighteen per cent per annum shall be assessed against the parcel. In addition, failure by the owner of the parcel to redeem the tax certificate may result in foreclosure proceedings against the parcel. No tax certificate shall be offered for sale if the owner of the parcel has either discharged the lien by paying to the county treasurer in cash the amount of delinquent taxes, assessments, penalties, interest, and charges charged against the property, or has entered into a valid delinquent tax contract pursuant to section 323.31 of the Revised Code to pay those amounts in installments."
(B) The form of the notice required to be attached to the published delinquent vacant land tax list by division (B)(3) of section 5721.03 of the Revised Code shall be in substance as follows:
The delinquent vacant lands, returned delinquent by the county treasurer of_________________ county, with the taxes, assessments, interest, and penalties charged against them according to law, and remaining delinquent for one year, are contained and described in the following list: (here insert the list with the names of the owners of the respective tracts of land as designated on the delinquent vacant land tax list. If, prior to seven days before the publication of the list, a delinquent tax contract has been entered into under section 323.31 of the Revised Code, the owner's name may be stricken from the list or designated by an asterisk shown in the margin next to the owner's name.)
Notice is hereby given that these delinquent vacant lands will be certified for foreclosure or foreclosure and forfeiture by the county auditor pursuant to law unless the whole of the delinquent taxes, assessments, interest, and penalties are paid within twenty-eight days after the final publication of this notice. The names of persons who have entered into a written delinquent tax contract with the county treasurer to discharge the delinquency are designated by an asterisk or have been stricken from the list."