Effective: September 10, 2012
Latest Legislation: House Bill 487 - 129th General Assembly
(A) This division does not apply to school district appropriation measures. On or about the first day of each fiscal year, the taxing authority of each subdivision or other taxing unit shall pass an appropriation measure, and thereafter during the year it may pass any supplemental appropriation measures as it finds necessary, based on the revised tax budget or the official certificate of estimated resources or amendments of the certificate. If it desires to postpone the passage of the annual appropriation measure until an amended certificate is received based on the actual balances, it may pass a temporary appropriation measure for meeting the ordinary expenses of the taxing unit until no later than the first day of April or, in the case of the city of Cincinnati, the first day of October, of the current year, and the appropriations made in the temporary measure shall be chargeable to the appropriations in the annual appropriation measure for that fiscal year when passed.
(B) A board of education shall pass its annual appropriation measure by the first day of October. If, by the first day of October, a board has not received either the amended certificates of estimated resources required by division (B) of section 5705.36 of the Revised Code or certifications that no amended certificates need be issued, the adoption of the annual appropriation measure shall be delayed until the amended certificates or certifications are received. Prior to the passage of the annual appropriation measure, the board may pass a temporary appropriation measure for meeting the ordinary expenses of the district until it passes an annual appropriation measure, and appropriations made in the temporary measure shall be chargeable to the appropriations in the annual appropriation measure for that fiscal year when passed. During the fiscal year and after the passage of the annual appropriation measure, a district may pass any supplemental appropriation measures as it finds necessary, based on the revised tax budget or the official certificate of estimated resources or amendments of the certificate. School district appropriation measures shall be in the form as the auditor of state, after consultation with the tax commissioner, prescribes.
(C) Appropriation measures shall be classified so as to set forth separately the amounts appropriated for each office, department, and division, and, within each, the amount appropriated for personal services. In the case of a municipal university, the board of directors of which have assumed, in the manner provided by law, custody and control of the funds of the university, funds shall be appropriated as a lump sum for the use of the university.