Effective: September 29, 2015
Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 - 131st General Assembly
If a nursing home or hospital undergoes a change of operator during a fiscal year, the responsibility for paying the franchise permit fee that was determined for the nursing home or hospital under section 5168.47 of the Revised Code, or redetermined for the nursing home or hospital under section 5168.48 of the Revised Code, for that fiscal year shall be divided proportionally. The exiting operator shall be responsible for paying the amount of the fee that is for the part of the fiscal year that ends on the day before the effective date of the change of operator. The entering operator shall be responsible for paying the amount of the fee that is for the part of the fiscal year that begins on the effective date of the change of operator. The department of medicaid is not required to notify the entering operator regarding the amount of that fiscal year's fee for which the entering operator is responsible.