Effective: September 29, 2013
Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
The medicaid director may adopt rules under section 5165.02 of the Revised Code that are consistent with regulations, guidelines, and procedures issued by the United States secretary of health and human services under the "Social Security Act," sections 1819 and 1919, 42 U.S.C. 1395i-3 and 1396r, and necessary for administration and enforcement of sections 5165.60 to 5165.89 of the Revised Code. If the secretary does not issue appropriate regulations for enforcement of those sections of the "Social Security Act" on or before December 13, 1990, the medicaid director may adopt, under section 5165.02 of the Revised Code, rules that are consistent with those sections and with sections 5165.60 to 5165.89 of the Revised Code.