| Prohibiting Reducing Local Funding.

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Effective: September 30, 2011

Latest Legislation: House Bill 86 - 129th General Assembly

No municipal corporation, county, or group of counties receiving a subsidy under division (A)(1) of section 5149.31 of the Revised Code shall reduce, by the amount of the subsidy it receives or by a greater or lesser amount, the amount of local, nonfederal funds it expends for corrections, including, but not limited to, the amount of local, nonfederal funds it expends for the operation of the county, multicounty, municipal, municipal-county, or multicounty-municipal jail or workhouse, for any county or municipal probation department, or for any community corrections program. Each subsidy shall be used to make corrections expenditures in excess of those being made from local, nonfederal funds. No subsidy or portion of a subsidy shall be used to make capital improvements. If a recipient violates this section, the department of rehabilitation and correction may discontinue subsidy payments to the recipient.

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