Effective: June 30, 2011
Latest Legislation: House Bill 153 - 129th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section:
(1) "Taxable value" means the taxable value of a county certified under division (B) of this section.
(2) "Per-mill yield" means the quotient obtained by dividing the taxable value of a county by one thousand.
(3) "Population" of a county means that shown by the federal census for a census year or, for a noncensus year, the population as estimated by the department of development.
(4) "Six-year moving average" means the average of the per-mill yields of a county for the most recent six years.
(5) "Yield per person" means the quotient obtained by dividing the six-year moving average of a county by the population of that county.
(6) "Tax equity payments" means payments to county boards of developmental disabilities under this section or a prior version of this section from money appropriated by the general assembly to the department of developmental disabilities for that purpose.
(7) "Eligible county" means a county determined under division (C) of this section to be eligible for tax equity payments for the two-year period for which that determination is made.
(8) "Threshold county" means the county with the lowest yield per person that is determined not to be eligible to receive tax equity payments.
(B) At the request of the director of developmental disabilities, the tax commissioner shall certify to the director the taxable value of property on each county's most recent tax list of real and public utility property. The director may request any other tax information necessary for the purposes of this section.
(C) Beginning in 2011, on or before the thirty-first day of May of that year and of every second year thereafter, the director of developmental disabilities shall determine whether a county is eligible to receive tax equity payments for the ensuing two fiscal years as follows:
(1) The director shall determine the six-year moving average, population, and yield per person of each county in the state, based on the most recent information available.
(2) The director shall calculate a tax equity funding threshold by adding the population of the county with the lowest yield per person and the populations of individual counties in order from lowest yield per person to highest yield per person until the addition of the population of another county would increase the aggregate sum to over thirty per cent of the total state population. A county is eligible to receive tax equity payments for the two-year period if its population is included in the calculation of the threshold and the addition of its population does not increase such sum to over thirty per cent of the total state population.
(D)(1) Except as provided in divisions (D)(2) and (3) of this section, beginning in fiscal year 2012 and for each fiscal year thereafter, the director shall make tax equity payments to each eligible county equal to the population of the county multiplied by the difference between the yield per person of the threshold county and the yield per person of the eligible county. For purposes of this division, the population and yield per person of a county equal the population and yield per person most recently determined for that county under division (C)(1) of this section. The payments shall be made in quarterly installments of equal amounts not later than the thirtieth day of September, the thirty-first day of December, the thirty-first day of March, and the thirtieth day of June of each fiscal year.
(2) In fiscal year 2012, if the amount determined under division (D)(1) of this section for an eligible county is at least twenty thousand dollars greater than or twenty thousand dollars less than the amount of tax equity payments the county received in fiscal year 2011, the county's tax equity payments for fiscal years 2012 through 2014 shall equal the following:
(a) For fiscal year 2012, one-fourth of the amount calculated for the eligible county under division (D)(1) of this section plus three-fourths of the amount of tax equity payments the county received in fiscal year 2011;
(b) For fiscal year 2013, one-half of the amount calculated for the eligible county under division (D)(1) of this section plus one-half of the amount of tax equity payments the county received in fiscal year 2011;
(c) For fiscal year 2014, three-fourths of the amount calculated for the eligible county under division (D)(1) of this section plus one-fourth of the amount of tax equity payments the county received in fiscal year 2011.
(3) In any fiscal year, if the total amount of tax equity payments for all eligible counties as determined under divisions (D)(1) and (2) of this section is greater than the amount appropriated to the department of developmental disabilities for the purpose of making such payments in that fiscal year, the director shall reduce the payments to each eligible county board in equal proportion. If the total amount of tax equity payments as determined under that division is less than the amount appropriated to the department for that purpose, the director shall determine how to allocate the excess money after consultation with the Ohio association of county boards serving people with developmental disabilities.
(4) Tax equity payments shall be paid only to an eligible county board of developmental disabilities and not to a regional council established under section 5126.13 of the Revised Code or any other entity.
(E)(1) Except as provided in division (E)(2) of this section, a county board of developmental disabilities shall use tax equity payments solely to pay the nonfederal share of medicaid expenditures it is required to pay under sections 5126.059 and 5126.0510 of the Revised Code. Tax equity payments shall not be used to pay any salary or other compensation to county board personnel.
(2) Upon the written request of a county board, the director of developmental disabilities may authorize a county board to use tax equity payments for infrastructure improvements necessary to support medicaid waiver administration.
(3) The director may audit any county board receiving tax equity payments to ensure appropriate use of the payments in accordance with this section. If the director determines that a county board is using payments inappropriately, the director shall notify the county board in writing of the determination. Within thirty days after receiving the director's notification, the county board shall submit a written plan of correction to the director. The director may accept or reject the plan. If the director rejects the plan, the director may require the county board to repay all or a portion of the amount of tax equity payments used inappropriately. The director shall distribute any tax equity payments returned under this division to other eligible county boards in accordance with a plan developed by the director after consultation with the Ohio association of county boards serving people with developmental disabilities.