| Reviewing Direct Services Contracts.

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Effective: October 6, 2009

Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 79 - 128th General Assembly

(A) The ethics council appointed for a county board of developmental disabilities shall review all direct services contracts, and approve or disapprove each contract in accordance with the standards in section 5126.033 of the Revised Code. The council shall develop, in consultation with the prosecuting attorney, and recommend to the board ethical standards, contract audit procedures, and grievance procedures with respect to the award and reconciliation of direct services contracts. The superintendent, or an employee of the county board designated by the superintendent, shall, in accordance with a policy established by the county board, certify to the council a copy of each proposed direct services contract or contract renewal at a reasonable time before the contract would take effect if entered into or renewed, if, at the time the contract or renewal is proposed, resources approved by the board for such purposes are available.

The council shall promptly review each direct services contract certified to it. If the contract does not meet the conditions specified in section 5126.033 of the Revised Code, the council shall recommend that the board not enter into the contract or suggest specified revisions. The superintendent shall provide all the information the council needs to make its determinations.

The council shall certify to the board its recommendation with regard to each contract. Except as provided in division (B) of this section, the board, by resolution, shall enter into each direct services contract that the council recommends or recommends with specified revisions. The board shall not enter into any contract that is not recommended by the council or enter into any contract to which revisions are suggested if the contract does not include the specified revisions.

(B) The prosecuting attorney, at the request of the board, shall prepare a legal review of any direct services contract that has been recommended, or recommended with revisions, by the council. The board shall enter into only those contracts submitted for review that are determined by the prosecuting attorney to be in compliance with state law.

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