Effective: October 6, 2009
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 79 - 128th General Assembly
(A) Subject to sections 5126.0214 and 5126.0216 of the Revised Code, an appointing authority shall remove a member of a county board of developmental disabilities for any of the following reasons:
(1) Neglect of duty;
(2) Misconduct;
(3) Malfeasance;
(4) Ineligibility to serve on the county board pursuant to section 5126.023 of the Revised Code;
(5) Failure to attend at least four hours of in-service training session each year;
(6) Failure to attend within one year four regularly scheduled board meetings;
(7) Failure to attend within one year two regularly scheduled board meetings if the member gave no prior notice of the member's absence;
(8) Consistently poor performance on the county board, as demonstrated by documentation that the president of the county board provides to the appointing authority and the appointing authority determines is convincing evidence.
(B) The removal provisions of divisions (A)(6) and (7) of this section do not apply to absences from special meetings or work sessions.