| Grounds for Denial of License.

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Effective: December 14, 2018

Latest Legislation: House Bill 213 - 132nd General Assembly

The superintendent of real estate and professional licensing may refuse to issue a license to an applicant under this chapter based upon any act or omission for which a person, including a licensee, may be disciplined under division (K) of section 4768.13 of the Revised Code or may refuse to renew a license if the licensee has failed to comply with this chapter. If the superintendent refuses to issue or renew a license under this section, the superintendent shall notify the applicant or the licensee of the basis for the refusal. The notice shall comply with division (N) of section 4768.13 of the Revised Code, and the hearing shall be conducted i n accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. An applicant or licensee may appeal the superintendent's decision to the real estate appraiser board, which shall provide the applicant or licensee with the opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel, or both. The decision and order of the board is final, subject to review in the manner provided in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and appeal to the court of common pleas of Franklin county.

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