Effective: October 29, 2018
Latest Legislation: House Bill 168 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) Any person may file a complaint regarding the activity, practice, policy, or procedure of, or regarding an alleged violation of section 1721.19, 1721.20, 1721.21, 1721.211, 4735.02, 4767.02, or 4767.09 of the Revised Code by, any person operating or maintaining a cemetery registered, or a cemetery that is not registered but is required to be registered pursuant to section 4767.03 of the Revised Code that adversely affects or may adversely affect the interest of an owner or family member of the owner of a cemetery lot or burial, entombment, or columbarium right. All complaints shall be in writing and submitted to the division of real estate in the department of commerce on forms provided by the division.
(B) With respect to complaints filed pursuant to division (A) of this section, the division of real estate shall do all of the following:
(1) Acknowledge receipt of the complaint by sending written notice to the person who filed the complaint not more than twenty days after receipt of the complaint;
(2) Send written notice of the complaint within seven days after receipt of the complaint to the person responsible for the operation and maintenance of the cemetery that is the subject of the complaint;
(3) Before taking further action, allow the owner or the person responsible for the operation and maintenance of the cemetery that is the subject of a complaint thirty days after the date the division sends notice of the complaint to respond to the division with respect to the complaint.
(C) The cemetery dispute resolution commission shall hear each complaint filed pursuant to division (A) of this section within one hundred eighty days after its filing, unless it has been resolved by the parties to the complaint.