Effective: September 29, 2013
Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
(A) In accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the athletic trainers section of the Ohio occupational therapy, physical therapy, and athletic trainers board may suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew an athletic trainers license, or reprimand, fine, or place a licensee on probation, for any of the following:
(1) Conviction of a felony or offense involving moral turpitude, regardless of the state or country in which the conviction occurred;
(2) Violation of sections 4755.61 to 4755.65 of the Revised Code or any order issued or rule adopted thereunder;
(3) Obtaining a license through fraud, false or misleading representation, or concealment of material facts;
(4) Negligence or gross misconduct in the practice of athletic training;
(5) Violating the standards of ethical conduct in the practice of athletic training as adopted by the athletic trainers section under section 4755.61 of the Revised Code;
(6) Using any controlled substance or alcohol to the extent that the ability to practice athletic training at a level of competency is impaired;
(7) Practicing in an area of athletic training for which the individual is untrained, incompetent, or practicing without the referral of a practitioner licensed under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code, a dentist licensed under Chapter 4715. of the Revised Code, a chiropractor licensed under Chapter 4734. of the Revised Code, or a physical therapist licensed under this chapter;
(8) Employing, directing, or supervising a person in the performance of athletic training procedures who is not authorized to practice as a licensed athletic trainer under this chapter;
(9) Misrepresenting educational attainments or the functions the individual is authorized to perform for the purpose of obtaining some benefit related to the individual's athletic training practice;
(10) Failing the licensing examination;
(11) Aiding or abetting the unlicensed practice of athletic training;
(12) Denial, revocation, suspension, or restriction of authority to practice a health care occupation, including athletic training, for any reason other than a failure to renew, in Ohio or another state or jurisdiction.
(B) If the athletic trainers section places a licensee on probation under division (A) of this section, the section's order for placement on probation shall be accompanied by a written statement of the conditions under which the person may be removed from probation and restored to unrestricted practice.
(C) A licensee whose license has been revoked under division (A) of this section may apply to the athletic trainers section for reinstatement of the license one year following the date of revocation. The athletic trainers section may accept or deny the application for reinstatement and may require that the applicant pass an examination as a condition for reinstatement.
(D) On receipt of a complaint that a person licensed by the athletic trainers section has committed any of the prohibited actions listed in division (A) of this section, the section may immediately suspend the license of a licensed athletic trainer prior to holding a hearing in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code if it determines, based on the complaint, that the licensee poses an immediate threat to the public. The section may review the allegations and vote on the suspension by telephone conference call. If the section votes to suspend a license under this division, the section shall issue a written order of summary suspension to the licensed athletic trainer in accordance with section 119.07 of the Revised Code. If the individual whose license is suspended fails to make a timely request for an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the section shall enter a final order permanently revoking the individual's license. Notwithstanding section 119.12 of the Revised Code, a court of common pleas shall not grant a suspension of the section's order of summary suspension pending the determination of an appeal filed under that section. Any order of summary suspension issued under this division shall remain in effect, unless reversed on appeal, until a final adjudication order issued by the section pursuant to division (A) of this section becomes effective. The section shall issue its final adjudication order regarding an order of summary suspension issued under this division not later than ninety days after completion of its hearing. Failure to issue the order within ninety days shall result in immediate dissolution of the suspension order, but shall not invalidate any subsequent, final adjudication order.