Effective: March 24, 2008
Latest Legislation: House Bill 104 - 127th General Assembly
(A) The athletic trainers section of the Ohio occupational therapy, physical therapy, and athletic trainers board shall:
(1) Adopt rules, not inconsistent with this chapter, for the licensure of athletic trainers, including rules that specify the application form and educational course work and clinical experience requirements for licensure and rules that prescribe requirements for criminal records checks of applicants under section 4776.03 of the Revised Code;
(2) Establish and deposit fees in accordance with division (B) of this section and section 4755.03 of the Revised Code;
(3) Conduct hearings, keep records of its proceedings, and do all things necessary and proper to administer and enforce sections 4755.60 to 4755.65 of the Revised Code;
(4) Publish and make available, upon request and for a fee not to exceed the actual cost of printing and mailing, the requirements for the issuance of an athletic trainers license under this chapter and the rules adopted under it;
(5) Maintain a register of every person licensed to practice athletic training in this state, including the addresses of the licensee's last known place of business and residence, and the effective date and identification number of the person's license. The section shall make this list available to any person upon request and payment of a fee not to exceed the actual cost of printing and mailing.
(6) Publish and make available, upon request and for a fee not to exceed the actual cost of printing and mailing, a list of persons who passed the examination required under section 4755.62 of the Revised Code;
(7) Investigate complaints concerning alleged violations of section 4755.62 of the Revised Code or other grounds for the suspension, revocation, or refusal to issue a license under section 3123.47 or 4755.64 of the Revised Code. In connection with its investigations, the athletic trainers section may subpoena witnesses, issue subpoenas, examine witnesses, administer oaths, and, under the direction of the executive director of the board, investigate complaints and make inspections and other inquiries as in the judgment of the section are appropriate to enforce sections 3123.41 to 3123.50 and this chapter of the Revised Code. The section may review and audit the records of any licensee during normal business hours at the licensee's place of business or at any other place where the licensee's records are kept. Notwithstanding section 149.43 of the Revised Code, the athletic trainers section and its employees, except pursuant to a court order, shall maintain in confidence all information obtained.
(8) Adopt rules governing the nature and scope of the examination required under section 4755.62 of the Revised Code and the reexamination required under section 4755.63 of the Revised Code and the minimum examination score for licensure or renewal thereof. The rules for the examination required under section 4755.62 of the Revised Code shall ensure the testing of the applicant's knowledge of the basic and clinical sciences relating to athletic training theory and practice, including professional skills and judgment in the utilization of athletic training techniques and such other subjects as the athletic trainers section considers useful in determining competency to practice athletic training.
(9) Conduct the examination required under section 4755.62 of the Revised Code at least twice a year at a time and place and under such supervision as the athletic trainers section determines;
(10) Adopt rules to determine which states' standards for licensure are equal to or greater than this state's for the purpose of waiving requirements under division (D) of section 4755.62 of the Revised Code;
(11) Adopt rules to determine which examinations meet the requirements of division (E) of section 4755.62 of the Revised Code;
(12) Adopt rules establishing the standards of ethical conduct for licensed athletic trainers under this chapter;
(13) Adopt rules specifying the scope and nature of the continuing education courses that are acceptable to the athletic trainers section and the number of courses that must be completed to comply with the requirement for renewal of a license under section 4755.63 of the Revised Code.
(14) Adopt rules establishing the schedule when licenses to practice as an athletic trainer expire during a biennium for purposes of section 4755.63 of the Revised Code.
(B) The fees adopted by the athletic trainers section pursuant to division (A)(2) of this section shall be established and adjusted as required to provide sufficient revenues to meet the expenses of the section in administering sections 4755.60 to 4755.66 of the Revised Code. The fees shall include the following:
(1) A nonrefundable examination fee, not to exceed the amount necessary to cover the expense of administering the examination;
(2) An initial license fee;
(3) A biennial license renewal fee;
(4) A late renewal penalty, not to exceed fifty per cent of the renewal fee.
The athletic trainers section may, by rule, provide for the waiver of all or part of a license fee if the license is issued less than one hundred days before its expiration date.
(C) All rules under sections 4755.60 to 4755.65 of the Revised Code shall be adopted by the athletic trainers section in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.