Effective: April 6, 2017
Latest Legislation: House Bill 216 - 131st General Assembly
(A) If a physical therapist evaluates and treats a patient without the prescription of, or the referral of the patient by, a person described in division (H)(1) of section 4755.48 of the Revised Code, all of the following apply:
(1) The physical therapist shall, upon consent of the patient, inform the relevant person described in division (H)(1) of section 4755.48 of the Revised Code of the evaluation not later than five business days after the evaluation is made.
(2) If the physical therapist determines, based on reasonable evidence, that no substantial progress has been made with respect to that patient during the thirty-day period immediately following the date of the patient's initial visit with the physical therapist, the physical therapist shall consult with or refer the patient to a person described in division (H)(1) of section 4755.48 of the Revised Code, unless either of the following applies:
(a) The evaluation, treatment, or services are being provided for fitness, wellness, or prevention purposes.
(b) The patient previously was diagnosed with chronic, neuromuscular, or developmental conditions and the evaluation, treatment, or services are being provided for problems or symptoms associated with one or more of those previously diagnosed conditions.
(3) If the physical therapist determines that orthotic devices are necessary to treat the patient, the physical therapist shall be limited to the application of the following orthotic devices:
(a) Upper extremity adaptive equipment used to facilitate the activities of daily living;
(b) Finger splints;
(c) Wrist splints;
(d) Prefabricated elastic or fabric abdominal supports with or without metal or plastic reinforcing stays and other prefabricated soft goods requiring minimal fitting;
(e) Nontherapeutic accommodative inlays;
(f) Shoes that are not manufactured or modified for a particular individual;
(g) Prefabricated foot care products;
(h) Custom foot orthotics;
(i) Durable medical equipment.
(4) If, at any time, the physical therapist has reason to believe that the patient has symptoms or conditions that require treatment or services beyond the scope of practice of a physical therapist, the physical therapist shall refer the patient to a licensed health care practitioner acting within the practitioner's scope of practice.
(B) Nothing in sections 4755.40 to 4755.56 of the Revised Code shall be construed to require reimbursement under any health insuring corporation policy, contract, or agreement, any sickness and accident insurance policy, the medicaid program, or the health partnership program or qualified health plans established pursuant to sections 4121.44 to 4121.442 of the Revised Code, for any physical therapy service rendered without the prescription of, or the referral of the patient by, a person described in division (H)(1) of section 4755.48 of the Revised Code.
(C) For purposes of this section, "business day" means any calendar day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. "Legal holiday" has the same meaning as in section 1.14 of the Revised Code.