Effective: January 21, 2018
Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
Except for a provisional license issued under section 4752.05 of the Revised Code, a license issued under this chapter shall be renewed by the state board of pharmacy if the license holder is in compliance with the applicable requirements of this chapter.
An application for license renewal shall be accompanied by the renewal fee established in rules adopted under section 4752.17 of the Revised Code and, except as provided in division (B) of section 4752.07 of the Revised Code, by documentation satisfactory to the board that the continuing education requirements of section 4752.07 of the Revised Code have been met. Renewals shall be made in accordance with the standard renewal procedure established under Chapter 4745. of the Revised Code and the renewal procedures established in rules adopted under section 4752.17 of the Revised Code.