Effective: April 10, 2001
Latest Legislation: House Bill 506 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) An individual licensed under this chapter who intends not to practice in this state for an extended period may send to the state chiropractic board written notice to that effect on or before the license renewal date. If the individual's license is in good standing and the individual is not under disciplinary review pursuant to section 4734.31 of the Revised Code, the board shall classify the license as inactive, During the period that the license is classified as inactive, the individual may not engage in the practice of chiropractic in this state or make any representation to the public indicating that the person is actively licensed under this chapter. An individual whose license is classified as inactive is not required to pay the license renewal fee for the license.
(B) The holder of an inactive license may apply to the board to have the license restored. The board shall consider the length of inactivity and, in accordance with the standards for issuance of a license established under section 4734.20 of the Revised Code, the moral character and the activities of the applicant during the inactive license period. The board may impose terms and conditions on restoration of the license by doing any of the following:
(1) Requiring the applicant to obtain training, which may include requiring the applicant to pass an examination upon completion of the training;
(2) Requiring the applicant to pass an oral or written examination, or both, to determine fitness to resume practice;
(3) Restricting or limiting the extent, scope, or type of practice of the applicant.