Effective: April 6, 2017
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 319 - 131st General Assembly
(A)(1) The state board of pharmacy, after notice and hearing in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, may impose one or more of the following sanctions on a pharmacy technician trainee, registered pharmacy technician, or certified pharmacy technician if the board finds the individual engaged in any of the conduct set forth in division (A)(2) of this section:
(a) Revoke, suspend, restrict, limit, or refuse to grant or renew a registration;
(b) Reprimand or place the holder of the registration on probation;
(c) Impose a monetary penalty or forfeiture not to exceed in severity any fine designated under the Revised Code for a similar offense, or in the case of a violation of a section of the Revised Code that does not bear a penalty, a monetary penalty or forfeiture of not more than five hundred dollars.
(2) The board may impose the sanctions listed in division (A)(1) of this section if the board finds a pharmacy technician trainee, registered pharmacy technician, or certified pharmacy technician:
(a) Has been convicted of a felony, or a crime of moral turpitude, as defined in section 4776.10 of the Revised Code;
(b) Engaged in dishonesty or unprofessional conduct, as prescribed in rules adopted by the board under section 4729.94 of the Revised Code;
(c) Is addicted to or abusing alcohol or drugs or impaired physically or mentally to such a degree as to render the individual unable to perform the individual's duties;
(d) Violated, conspired to violate, attempted to violate, or aided and abetted the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, sections 3715.52 to 3715.72 of the Revised Code, Chapter 2925. or 3719. of the Revised Code, or any rule adopted by the board under those provisions;
(e) Committed fraud, misrepresentation, or deception in applying for or securing a registration issued by the board under this chapter;
(f) Failed to comply with an order of the board or a settlement agreement;
(g) Engaged in any other conduct for which the board may impose discipline as set forth in rules adopted by the board under section 4729.94 of the Revised Code.
(B) The board may suspend a registration under division (B) of section 3719.121 of the Revised Code by utilizing a telephone conference call to review the allegations and take a vote.
(C) F or purposes of this division, an individual authorized to practice as a pharmacy technician trainee, registered pharmacy technician, or certified pharmacy technician accepts the privilege of practicing in this state subject to supervision by the board. By filing an application for or holding a registration under this chapter, the individual gives consent to submit to a mental or physical examination when ordered to do so by the board in writing and waives all objections to the admissibility of testimony or examination reports that constitute privileged communications.
If the board has reasonable cause to believe that an individual who is a pharmacy technician trainee, registered pharmacy technician, or certified pharmacy technician is physically or mentally impaired, the board may require the individual to submit to a physical or mental examination, or both. The expense of the examination is the responsibility of the individual required to be examined.
Failure of a n individual who is a pharmacy technician trainee, registered pharmacy technician, or certified pharmacy technician to submit to a physical or mental examination ordered by the board, unless the failure is due to circumstances beyond the individual's control, constitutes an admission of the allegations and a s uspension order s hall be entered without the taking of testimony or presentation of evidence. Any subsequent adjudication hearing under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code concerning failure to submit to an examination is limited to consideration of whether the failure was beyond the individual's control.
If, based on the results of an examination ordered under this division, the board determines that the individual's ability to practice is impaired, the board shall suspend the individual's registration or deny the individual's application and shall require the individual, as a condition for an initial, continued, reinstated, or renewed registration to practice, to submit to a physical or mental examination a nd treatment.
An order of suspension issued under this division shall not be subject to suspension by a court during pendency of any appeal filed under section 119.12 of the Revised Code.
(D) If the board is required under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to give notice of an opportunity for a hearing and the applicant or registrant does not make a timely request for a hearing in accordance with section 119.07 of the Revised Code, the board is not required to hold a hearing, but may adopt a final order that contains the board's findings. In the final order, the board may impose any of the sanctions listed in division (A) of this section.
(E) Notwithstanding the provision of division (C)(2) of section 2953.32 of the Revised Code specifying that if records pertaining to a criminal case are sealed under that section the proceedings in the case must be deemed not to have occurred, sealing of the following records on which the board has based an action under this section shall have no effect on the board's action or any sanction imposed by the board under this section: records of any conviction, guilty plea, judicial finding of guilt resulting from a plea of no contest, or a judicial finding of eligibility for a pretrial diversion program or intervention in lieu of conviction. The board shall not be required to seal, destroy, redact, or otherwise modify its records to reflect the court's sealing of conviction records.
(F) No pharmacy technician trainee, registered pharmacy technician, or certified pharmacy technician shall knowingly engage in any conduct described in divisions (A)(2)(b) or (A)(2) (d) to (g) of this section.