| Penalty.

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Effective: March 9, 1999

Latest Legislation: House Bill 553 - 122nd General Assembly

(A) Whoever violates section 4725.02 of the Revised Code shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars for a first offense; for each subsequent offense such person shall be fined not less than five hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, or imprisoned not less than six months nor more than one year.

(B) Whoever violates section 4725.41 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree for a first offense, and a misdemeanor of the first degree for each subsequent offense.

(C) Whoever violates section 4725.55 or 4725.56 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.

(D) Whoever violates division (A) of section 4725.21 of the Revised Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor for a first offense; for each subsequent offense, such person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree. Any violation constitutes a separate offense on each successive day continued.

(E) Whoever violates section 4725.32 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.

(F) Whoever violates section 4725.22 of the Revised Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor for a first offense; for each subsequent offense, such person shall be fined up to one thousand dollars.

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