Effective: January 21, 2018
Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) Any person having knowledge of a violation of sections 4725.40 to 4725.59 of the Revised Code by a licensed dispensing optician or an apprentice, or of any other ground specified in section 4725.53 of the Revised Code for denying, suspending, or revoking a license, may submit a written complaint, specifying the precise violations or grounds, to the state vision professionals board. If the board determines, in accordance with the procedures of Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, that the charges are sustained by the evidence presented, it may suspend or revoke the license of the person against whom the charges were preferred.
(B) If the board discovers or is informed that any person is or has been engaged in optical dispensing without having received a license under sections 4725.40 to 4725.59 of the Revised Code, it shall inform the prosecuting attorney for the county in which the alleged unlicensed activity took place. The prosecuting attorney shall take all legal action necessary to terminate such illegal practice of optical dispensing and to prosecute the offender under section 4725.41 of the Revised Code.
(C) In addition to other remedies provided in this chapter, the board may request the attorney general or the prosecuting attorney of a county in which a violation of sections 4725.40 to 4725.59 of the Revised Code occurs to apply to the court of common pleas of the county for an injunction to restrain the activity that constitutes a violation.