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Effective: January 21, 2018

Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Regional advertisement" means an advertisement published in more than one metropolitan statistical area in this state or broadcast by radio or television stations in more than one metropolitan statistical area in this state.

(2) "National advertisement" means an advertisement published in one or more periodicals or broadcast by one or more radio or television stations in this state and also published in one or more periodicals or broadcast by one or more radio or television stations in another state.

(B) The state vision professionals board shall not require any person who sells optical accessories at more than one location to list in any regional or national advertisement the name of the licensed optometrist practicing at a particular location, provided that in addition to the requirement in division (B) of section 4725.13 of the Revised Code, the name of the optometrist is prominently displayed at the location.

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