Effective: January 21, 2018
Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
The testimony and reports of an optometrist licensed by the state vision professionals board under this chapter shall be received by any state, county, municipal, school district, or other public board, body, agency, institution, or official and by any private educational or other institution receiving public funds as competent evidence with respect to any matter within the scope of the practice of optometry. No such board, body, agency, official, or institution shall interfere with any individual's right to a free choice of receiving services from either an optometrist or a physician. No such board, body, agency, official, or institution shall discriminate against an optometrist performing procedures that are included in the practice of optometry as provided in division (A)(2) or (3) of section 4725.01 of the Revised Code if the optometrist is licensed under this chapter to perform those procedures.