Effective: September 29, 2017
Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
The state vision professionals board shall adopt a seal and certificate of suitable design and shall keep a record of its proceedings, a register of every individual holding a certificate, license, registration, or endorsement issued under this chapter, and a register of every individual whose certificate, license, registration, or endorsement has been revoked under this chapter.
The board shall have an office in Franklin county, where all its permanent records shall be kept. On request of the board, the director of administrative services shall supply the board with office space and supplies, including stationery and furniture. All printing and binding necessary for the work of the board shall be done upon an order issued by the board through its president and executive director to the department of administrative services.
Except as provided in this chapter, the records of the board, including its registers, shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable times. A copy of an entry in such records, certified by the executive director under the seal of the board, shall be prima-facie evidence of the facts therein stated.
The board annually, on or before the first day of February, shall make a report to the governor of all its official acts during the preceding year, its receipts and disbursements, and a complete report of the conditions of optometry and optical dispensing in this state. The board shall submit its first report to the governor not later than February 1, 2019. The board shall submit its reports to the governor electronically.