Effective: August 5, 1998
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 117 - 122nd General Assembly
As used in sections 4717.20 to 4717.30 of the Revised Code:
(A) "Alternative container" means a receptacle, other than a casket, in which a dead human body or body parts are transported to a crematory facility and placed in the cremation chamber for cremation, and that meets all of the following requirements:
(1) Is composed of readily combustible materials that are suitable for cremation;
(2) May be closed in order to provide a complete covering for the dead human body or body parts;
(3) Is resistant to leakage or spillage;
(4) Is sufficiently rigid to be handled readily;
(5) Provides protection for the health and safety of crematory personnel.
(B) "Authorizing agent" means the person or persons identified in section 4717.21 or 4717.22 of the Revised Code who are entitled to order the cremation of a decedent or body parts and to order the final disposition of the cremated remains of a decedent or body parts.
(C) "Body parts" means limbs or other portions of the anatomy that are removed from a living person for medical purposes during biopsy, treatment, or surgery. "Body parts" also includes dead human bodies that have been donated to science for purposes of medical education or research and any parts of such a dead human body that were removed for those purposes.
(D) "Burial or burial-transit permit" means a burial permit or burial-transit permit issued under section 3705.17 of the Revised Code or the laws of another state that are substantially similar to that section.
(E) "Casket" means a rigid container that is designed for the encasement of a dead human body and that is constructed of wood, metal, or another rigid material, is ornamented and lined with fabric, and may or may not be combustible.
(F) "Temporary container" means a receptacle for cremated remains composed of cardboard, plastic, metal, or another material that can be closed in a manner that prevents the leakage or spillage of the cremated remains and the entrance of foreign material, and that is of sufficient size to hold the cremated remains until they are placed in an urn or scattered.
(G) "Urn" means a receptacle designed to encase cremated remains permanently.