Effective: April 12, 2021
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 276 - 133rd General Assembly
(A)(1) A licensed funeral director who desires to obtain a license to operate a funeral home, a licensed embalmer who desires to obtain a license to operate an embalming facility, or a holder of a crematory operator permit who desires to obtain a license to operate a crematory facility shall apply to the board of embalmers and funeral directors on a form prescribed by the board. The application shall include the initial license application fee set forth in section 4717.07 of the Revised Code and proof satisfactory to the board that the funeral home, embalming facility, or crematory facility is in compliance with rules adopted by the board under section 4717.04 of the Revised Code, rules adopted by the board of building standards under Chapter 3781. of the Revised Code, and all other federal, state, and local requirements relating to the safety of the premises.
(2) If the funeral home, embalming facility, or crematory facility to which the license application pertains is owned by a corporation or limited liability company, the application shall include the name and address of the corporation's or limited liability company's statutory agent appointed under section 1701.07, 1705.06, or 1706.09 of the Revised Code or, in the case of a foreign corporation, the corporation's designated agent appointed under section 1703.041 of the Revised Code. If the funeral home, embalming facility, or crematory facility to which the application pertains is owned by a partnership, the application shall include the name and address of each of the partners. If, at any time after the submission of a license application or issuance of a license, the statutory or designated agent of a corporation or limited liability company owning a funeral home, embalming facility, or crematory facility or the address of the statutory or designated agent changes or, in the case of a partnership, any of the partners of the funeral home, embalming facility, or crematory facility or the address of any of the partners changes, the applicant for or holder of the license to operate the funeral home, embalming facility, or crematory facility shall submit written notice to the board, within thirty days after the change, informing the board of the change and of any name or address of a statutory or designated agent or partner that has changed from that contained in the application for the license or the most recent notice submitted under division (A)(2) of this section.
(B)(1) The board of embalmers and funeral directors shall issue a license to operate a funeral home only to a licensed funeral director who is named in the application as the funeral director actually in charge and ultimately responsible for the funeral home. The board shall issue the license only for the address at which the funeral home is physically located and operated. The funeral home license and licenses of the embalmers and funeral directors employed by the funeral home shall be displayed in a conspicuous place within the funeral home. The name of the funeral director to whom the funeral home license has been issued shall be conspicuously displayed immediately on the outside or the inside of the primary entrance to the funeral home that is used by the public.
(2) The funeral home shall have on the premises one of the following:
(a) If embalming will take place at the funeral home, an embalming room that is adequately equipped and maintained. The embalming room shall be kept in a clean and sanitary manner and used only for the embalming, preparation, or holding of dead human bodies. The embalming room shall contain only the articles, facilities, and instruments necessary for those purposes.
(b) If embalming will not take place at the funeral home, a holding room that is adequately equipped and maintained. The holding room shall be kept in a clean and sanitary manner and used only for the preparation, other than embalming, and holding of dead human bodies. The holding room shall contain only the articles and facilities necessary for those purposes.
(3) Each funeral home shall be directly supervised by a funeral director licensed under this chapter, who may supervise more than one funeral home.
(C)(1) The board shall issue a license to operate an embalming facility only to a licensed embalmer who is actually in charge of and ultimately responsible for the embalming facility. The board shall issue the license only for the address at which the embalming facility is physically located and operated. The license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place within the facility. The name of the embalmer to whom the embalming facility license has been issued shall be conspicuously displayed on the outside or inside of the primary entrance to the embalming facility.
(2) The embalming facility shall be adequately equipped and maintained in a sanitary manner. The embalming room at such a facility shall contain only the articles, facilities, and instruments necessary for its stated purpose. The embalming room shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and used only for the care and preparation of dead human bodies.
(D)(1) The board shall issue a license to operate a crematory facility only to a crematory operator who is actually in charge and ultimately responsible for the crematory facility. The board shall issue the license only for the address at which the crematory facility is physically located and operated. The license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place within the crematory facility. The name of the crematory operator to whom the crematory facility license has been issued shall be conspicuously displayed on the outside or inside of the primary entrance to the crematory facility.
(2) The crematory facility shall be adequately equipped and maintained in a clean and sanitary manner. The crematory facility may be located in a funeral home, embalming facility, cemetery building, or other building in which the crematory facility may lawfully operate. If a crematory facility engages in the cremation of animals, the crematory facility shall cremate animals in a cremation chamber that also is not used to cremate dead human bodies or human body parts and shall not cremate animals in a cremation chamber used for the cremation of dead human bodies and human body parts. Cremation chambers that are used for the cremation of dead human bodies or human body parts and cremation chambers used for the cremation of animals may be located in the same area. Cremation chambers used for the cremation of animals shall have conspicuously displayed on the unit a notice that the unit is to be used for animals only.
(3) A license to operate a crematory facility shall be issued to the person actually in charge of the crematory facility. This section does not require the individual who is actually in charge of the crematory facility to be an embalmer or funeral director licensed under this chapter.
(4) Nothing in this section or rules adopted under section 4717.04 of the Revised Code precludes the establishment and operation of a crematory facility on or adjacent to the property on which a cemetery, funeral home, or embalming facility is located.