Effective: May 6, 2005
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 209 - 125th General Assembly
There is hereby created in the state treasury the auction education fund. Seven dollars and fifty cents of each fee collected for an initial or renewed auction firm's or apprentice auctioneer's license shall be credited to the auction education fund. In addition, seven dollars and fifty cents out of each one hundred dollars that is collected as a fee for an initial or renewed auctioneer's license or for a renewed special auctioneer's license shall be credited to the fund. All interest earned on moneys deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the auction education fund shall be credited to the fund.
The state auctioneers commission shall use any moneys from the auction education fund to advance and underwrite education and research in the auction field for the benefit of those licensed under this chapter and the auctioneering public and to cooperate with associations of auctioneers and other groups for the education of auctioneers and the advancement of the auction profession in this state.