Effective: May 6, 2005
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 209 - 125th General Assembly
The state, through the department of agriculture and in accordance with this chapter, shall solely regulate auctioneers, auction firms, and the conduct of auction sales.
By enactment of this chapter, it is the intent of the general assembly to preempt municipal corporations and other political subdivisions from the regulation and licensing of auctioneers, auction firms, and auction sales.
At least twenty-four hours prior to an auction, the person licensed under this chapter to conduct the auction shall notify, via telephone, mail, or personal delivery, the chief of police of the municipal corporation in which the auction site is located or, if the site is in the unincorporated area of a county, the county sheriff as to the location and time of the auction and give to that officer a general description of the items offered for sale. A licensee who conducts regular auction sales on a fixed day at the same location is required to provide such notice to the chief of police or county sheriff only once. However, the licensee shall notify the chief of police or county sheriff if the auctions subsequently are discontinued or are conducted on a different day or at a different location.