Effective: May 6, 2005
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 209 - 125th General Assembly
(A) On May 1, 1991, all persons licensed as auction companies under former section 4707.071 of the Revised Code shall comply with all provisions of this chapter that are applicable to auctioneers except as provided in divisions (B) and (C) of this section. Such persons, however, do not have to serve an apprenticeship or attend a course of study under section 4707.09 of the Revised Code or submit to an examination under section 4707.08 of the Revised Code as long as they do not engage in the calling for, recognition of, and the acceptance of, offers for the purchase of personal property at auction and do not conduct auctions at any location other than the definite place of business required in section 4707.14 of the Revised Code.
(B) The principal owner of each auction company that is licensed as of May 1, 1991, who pays the annual renewal fee specified in division (B) of section 4707.10 of the Revised Code during the first renewal period following May 1, 1991, shall be issued a special auctioneer's license, for the auction of personal property subject to division (A) of this section. Each principal owner shall apply for an annual license. In applying for an annual license, each person licensed as an auction company on May 1, 1991, shall designate an individual as principal owner by submitting documentation substantiating that the individual is in fact the principal owner and shall identify a definite place of business as required in section 4707.14 of the Revised Code. A person licensed as an auctioneer shall not be entitled to a special auctioneer's license.
(C) A special auctioneer's license issued under this section to the principal owner of a former auction company does not entitle the principal owner or former auction company to conduct auctions at any location other than the definite place of business required in section 4707.14 of the Revised Code. Notwithstanding section 4707.10 of the Revised Code, the department of agriculture shall not issue a new special auctioneer's license if the definite place of business identified by the licensee in the licensee's initial application for a special auctioneer license has changed or if the name under which the licensee is doing business has changed. No person other than an owner, officer, member, or agent of the former auction company who personally has passed the examination prescribed in section 4707.08 of the Revised Code and been licensed as an auctioneer shall engage in the calling for, recognition of, and the acceptance of, offers for the purchase of real or personal property, goods, or chattels at auction in connection with a former auction company that has been issued a special auctioneer's license.
(D) A person licensed as a special auctioneer shall not engage in the sale of real property at auction.
(E) As used in this section, "auction company" means "auction company" as defined in section 4707.01 of the Revised Code prior to its amendment by Sub. S.B. 209 of the 125th general assembly.