Effective: May 6, 2005
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 209 - 125th General Assembly
Except as otherwise provided in section 4707.25 of the Revised Code, all fees and charges collected by the department of agriculture pursuant to this chapter shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the auctioneers fund, which is hereby created. All expenses incurred by the department in administering this chapter shall be paid out of the fund. The total expenses incurred by the department in the administration of this chapter shall not exceed the total fees, charges, fines, and penalties imposed under sections 4707.08, 4707.10, and 4707.99 of the Revised Code and paid to the treasurer of state. The department may conduct education programs for the enlightenment and benefit of all auctioneers who have paid fees pursuant to sections 4707.08 and 4707.10 of the Revised Code.
At the end of each fiscal year, if the balance of the fund is greater than three hundred thousand dollars, the director of agriculture shall request the director of budget and management to, and the director of budget and management shall, transfer twenty-five per cent of the balance that is in excess of three hundred thousand dollars to the auction recovery fund created in section 4707.25 of the Revised Code.