Effective: June 21, 2000
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 237 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) A lead school district may apply for a driver training school license for the purpose of providing instruction and training to individuals other than regularly enrolled, full-time high school students in the operation of trucks, commercial cars, and commercial tractors, trailers, and semi-trailers. Except as provided in division (B) of this section, upon the district's compliance with all provisions that govern the issuance of a license to a driver training school to offer instruction and training in the operation of trucks, commercial cars, and commercial tractors, trailers, and semi-trailers, the director of public safety shall issue a license to the district in the form and manner the director prescribes. Upon the issuance of the license, the district may offer instruction and training in the operation of trucks, commercial cars, and commercial tractors, trailers, and semi-trailers and may charge and retain a fee for that instruction and training.
(B) The director shall issue a new license to a lead school district under division (A) of this section if the district complies with all provisions that govern the issuance of a license to a driver training school to offer instruction and training in the operation of trucks, commercial cars, and commercial tractors, trailers, and semi-trailers other than any provision of a rule requiring insurance coverage. If a district complies with all provisions governing the issuance of a license other than the insurance coverage provisions, the director shall issue the new license on the condition that the district obtain the required insurance coverage and submit proof of the insurance coverage to the director not later than sixty days after the date of issuance of the license.