Effective: January 1, 2021
Latest Legislation: House Bill 339 - 133rd General Assembly
No officer, director, trustee, agent, or employee of any insurance company, corporation, or association authorized to transact business in this state shall knowingly use underwriting standards or rates that result in unfair discrimination against any handicapped person. This section does not prevent reasonable classifications of handicapped persons for determining insurance rates.
As used in this section, "handicapped" means a medically diagnosable, abnormal condition which is expected to continue for a considerable length of time, whether correctable or uncorrectable by good medical practice, which can reasonably be expected to limit the person's functional ability, including but not limited to seeing, hearing, thinking, ambulating, climbing, descending, lifting, grasping, sitting, rising, any related function, or any limitation due to weakness or significantly decreased endurance, so that the person cannot perform the person's everyday routine living and working without significantly increased hardship and vulnerability to what are considered the everyday obstacles and hazards encountered by the nonhandicapped.