Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Persons forming an association under section 3939.01 of the Revised Code shall make and subscribe a certificate setting forth therein:
(A) The name by which the association is to be known;
(B) The place which is regarded as its center or business office;
(C) The object of the association, which shall only be one or more of the objects set forth in section 3939.01 of the Revised Code, and the enforcement of any contract entered into by such persons in which the parties agree to be assessed specifically for incidental purposes and for the payment of losses which occur to its members;
(D) The kinds of property proposed to be insured and the casualties specified in section 3939.01 of the Revised Code which are proposed to be insured against.
Such certificate may be amended to change the name of the association, the place which is regarded as its center or business office, or its objects, at any meeting of members, thirty days' notice of which, and of the business to come before it, has been given by a majority of the directors in a newspaper published and of general circulation in the county where the company's center or business office is located. Such amendment, if adopted by at least three fifths vote of the members present and voting at the meeting so called, and if not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state and of the United States, shall be approved by the attorney general and the secretary of state, and such amendment and the certificate of approval by the attorney general shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state and shall thereupon be in effect. After recording such amendment the secretary of state shall deposit a copy thereof with the superintendent of insurance.
In event of a change of name of the association or a change of the place of the center or business office, the superintendent, immediately upon the approval by him of such change, shall certify the fact of such change to the secretary of state, who shall make note thereof on the files of his office relating to such association.