Effective: November 24, 1995
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 150 - 121st General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "employer" means any person who employs an individual.
(B) No employer shall engage in any act or practice that, due solely to the actual or expected health condition of one or more individuals, excludes or causes the exclusion of any individual from coverage under an existing employer-provided policy, contract, or plan of health benefits for which the individual would otherwise be eligible.
(C) If an employer violates division (B) of this section, the prosecuting attorney of the county in which an individual who was excluded from benefits resides may commence a civil action in the court of common pleas to obtain a judgment for a civil penalty as described in this division.
If the court of common pleas determines in an action under this division that an employer violated division (B) of this section, it shall impose a civil penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars or, if the violator previously has been determined by any court of common pleas to have violated division (B) of this section, not more than twenty-five thousand dollars. Any civil penalty imposed pursuant to this division shall be deposited by the clerk of the court into the county treasury.