Effective: June 30, 1997
Latest Legislation: House Bill 374 - 122nd General Assembly
(A) There is hereby established a nonprofit entity to be known as the "Ohio health reinsurance program." Any carrier issuing health benefit plans in this state on or after April 14, 1993, may be a member of the program.
(B) A carrier may elect to be a member of the program by filing a written intention to participate with the superintendent of insurance at least thirty days prior to the implementation of the program. Any carrier that does not file a written intention to participate within that time period may not participate for three years after April 14, 1993, and may file an intention to participate only at that time or on any subsequent three-year anniversary date. However, the superintendent may permit a carrier to participate in the program at other intervals for reasons based on financial solvency.
(C) The board of directors of the program may permit a carrier to participate in the program at any time for good cause shown. The board shall establish an application process for carriers seeking to change their status under this division.