Effective: June 4, 1997
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 67 - 122nd General Assembly
As used in section 3923.33 and sections 3923.331 to 3923.339 of the Revised Code:
(A) "Applicant" means:
(1) In the case of an individual medicare supplement policy, the person who seeks to contract for insurance benefits; and
(2) In the case of a group medicare supplement policy, the proposed certificate holder.
(B) "Certificate" means, for purposes of section 3923.33 and sections 3923.331 to 3923.339 of the Revised Code, any certificate delivered or issued for delivery in this state under a group medicare supplement policy.
(C) "Certificate form" means the form on which the certificate is delivered or issued for delivery by the issuer.
(D) "Direct response insurance policy" means a medicare supplement policy or certificate marketed without the direct involvement of an insurance agent.
(E) "Issuer" includes insurance companies, fraternal benefit societies, health insuring corporations, and any other entities delivering or issuing for delivery in this state medicare supplement policies or certificates.
(F) "Medicare" means the "Health Insurance for the Aged Act," Title XVIII of the Social Security Amendments of 1965, 79 Stat. 291, 42 U.S.C.A. 1395, as then constituted or later amended.
(G) "Medicare supplement policy" means a group or individual policy of sickness and accident insurance or a subscriber contract of health insuring corporations or any other issuers, other than a policy issued pursuant to a contract under section 1876 of the "Social Security Act," 49 Stat. 620 (1935), 42 U.S.C.A., 1395mm, as amended, or an issued policy under any demonstration project specified in 42 U.S.C.A. 1395ss(g)(1), which is advertised, marketed, or designed primarily as a supplement to reimbursements under medicare for the hospital, medical, or surgical expenses of persons eligible for medicare.
(H) "Policy form" means the form on which the policy is delivered or issued for delivery by the issuer.