Effective: September 6, 2012
Latest Legislation: House Bill 341 - 129th General Assembly
(A) All health plan issuers shall implement an internal appeal process under which a covered person may appeal an adverse benefit determination. This process must be in compliance with the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010," Pub. L. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119, as amended, and the associated regulations, as well as any other applicable state laws or rules or federal regulations.
(B) Review of a final adverse benefit determination shall be through an external review under section 3922.08, 3922.09, or 3922.10 of the Revised Code.
(C) All health plan issuers shall provide notice to covered persons, pursuant to and in accordance with federal regulations, of all internal appeal processes, external review processes, the availability of any applicable office of health insurance assistance, ombudsman program, or other similar program in this state to assist consumers.