Effective: August 3, 2006
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 17 - 126th General Assembly
(A) The attorney general shall prescribe forms to be used for registration, notice of intent to reside, and verification of current address under sections 3797.02, 3797.03, and 3797.04 of the Revised Code. The forms shall comply with the following:
(1) The registration form to be used under section 3797.02 of the Revised Code shall include the registrant's name, the registrant's current residence and employment addresses, a photograph of the registrant, the name of the court that rendered a declaratory judgment against the registrant pursuant to section 2721.21 of the Revised Code and the date the judgment was entered, and any other information required by the attorney general.
(2) The notice of intent to reside form to be used under section 3797.03 of the Revised Code shall include the registrant's name, the registrant's current residence and employment addresses, a statement that a court has entered a declaratory judgment against the registrant pursuant to section 2721.21 of the Revised Code, the address of the place where the registrant intends to reside, and any other information required by the attorney general.
(3) The verification form to be used under section 3797.04 of the Revised Code shall contain the registrant's current residence or employment address, as applicable, and any other information required by the attorney general.
(B) Upon completion of a registration, notice of intent to reside, or verification of current address form by a registrant, the sheriff shall promptly forward a copy of the form to the attorney general in accordance with procedures established by the attorney general. Upon receiving from a registrant a notice of a change of the registrant's residence address, if the new address is in another county in this state, the sheriff promptly shall forward the new address to the sheriff of that county.