Effective: September 19, 1996
Latest Legislation: House Bill 561 - 121st General Assembly
Upon the proper filing of an application to conduct a horse-racing meeting accompanied by a permit fee and a cash bond, certified check, or bank draft by any person, association, trust, or corporation, not in default of payment of any obligation or debt due to the state under sections 3769.01 to 3769.14 of the Revised Code, the state racing commission may issue a permit to such applicant to hold or conduct a horse-racing meeting. Such permit shall specify:
(A) The person, association, trust, or corporation to whom the same is issued;
(B) The days upon which such horse-racing meeting is to be held or conducted;
(C) The hours of such days between which live racing programs will be permitted;
(D) The location of the place, track, or enclosure where such horse-racing meeting is to be held or conducted. Such permit shall receipt the payment of the permit fee and deposit of the cash bond, certified check, or bank draft, by the applicant. Every permit shall contain a condition that all horse races or racing meetings, conducted thereunder, shall be subject to the rules and conditions prescribed and promulgated by the commission. The commission may refuse to award days or to issue a permit to any applicant if a permit previously issued to said applicant has been revoked under the authority of such sections. Such permit may be suspended, diminished, or revoked by the commission for any violation of such sections or of any rule of the commission. The commission shall immediately enter upon its record of proceedings a memorandum of its action in such suspension, diminution, or revocation and its reasons therefor. Such permit shall be nontransferable and shall apply only to the place, track, or enclosure specified in the permit, except as provided in section 3769.13 of the Revised Code.
Each permit issued under this section to hold or conduct a horse-racing meeting shall be issued for one year from the first day of January of the year for which it is issued. The holder of such permit shall be entitled to renewal of the permit upon application to the commission for a renewal, and the commission shall renew the permit unless the commission rejects the application for good cause, according to the procedures of Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.