Effective: July 1, 1996
Latest Legislation: House Bill 98 - 120th General Assembly
(A) The owner or operator of a reporting facility who temporarily discontinues all regulated operations at the facility for a period exceeding three hundred sixty-five days may request a waiver from the requirements of sections 3752.05 to 3752.07 of the Revised Code. The owner or operator shall submit to the director of environmental protection the application for a waiver, in a form prescribed by the director, within forty-five days after the discontinuation of all regulated operations at the facility. The application shall be accompanied by an interim maintenance and operation plan for the facility that contains the date by which regulated operations are to be resumed at the facility, a demonstration that those operations will be resumed, a plan to prevent entry by unauthorized persons into each building or structure at the facility where regulated operations occurred and that contains or is contaminated with regulated substances and each outdoor location of operation during the period that those operations are discontinued, and a plan for preventing the occurrence of air and water pollution and soil contamination at the facility during the period that those operations are discontinued.
The director, by issuance of an order in accordance with Chapter 3745. of the Revised Code, shall approve the application only if the application and accompanying interim maintenance and operation plan demonstrate to the director's satisfaction that the measures set forth in the plan effectively will prevent unauthorized entry into buildings and structures at the facility where regulated operations occurred and that contain or are contaminated with regulated substances and outdoor locations of operation, and prevent the occurrence of air and water pollution and soil contamination at the facility, during the period of the temporary discontinuation of all regulated operations, and that regulated operations will resume at the facility on or before the date specified in the application. If the application and accompanying plan do not make the required demonstrations, the director shall disapprove the application. The director may include in an order approving a waiver application any terms and conditions he considers necessary or appropriate to protect public health or safety or the environment during the period of the temporary discontinuation of all regulated operations.
If the director disapproves an application for a waiver, he shall include in the order of disapproval the requirements that the owner or operator designate a contact person in connection with the facility in accordance with section 3752.05 of the Revised Code within thirty days after the issuance of the order and maintain such a contact person; comply with divisions (A)(1) to (6) of section 3752.06 of the Revised Code within ninety days after issuance of the order unless the owner or operator has obtained an extension of time under division (B) of that section; and secure each building or structure at the facility where regulated operations occurred and that contains or is contaminated with regulated substances and each outdoor location of operation in compliance with section 3752.07 of the Revised Code within thirty days after the issuance of the order.
A waiver granted under this division may be renewed subject to any terms and conditions the director considers necessary or appropriate to protect public health or safety or the environment.
No person shall do any of the following:
(1) Violate or fail to comply with an interim maintenance and operation plan approved under division (A) of this section;
(2) Violate or fail to comply with a term or condition of an order issued under division (A) of this section approving an application for a waiver or renewal of a waiver;
(3) Violate or fail to comply with a term or condition of an order issued under division (A) of this section disapproving an application for a waiver or renewal of a waiver.
(B) If, during the period that a waiver granted under division (A) of this section is in effect, the director determines that the owner or operator of the facility named in the waiver has failed to comply with the approved interim maintenance and operation plan under the waiver or with a term or condition of the order approving the waiver, the director may issue an order in accordance with Chapter 3745. of the Revised Code requiring the owner or operator to achieve compliance with the approved plan or terms and conditions of the order of approval within a specified, reasonable length of time, or he may issue an order in accordance with that chapter revoking the waiver, as the director considers appropriate. If the director revokes the waiver, he shall include in the order doing so the requirements that the owner or operator designate a contact person in connection with the facility in accordance with section 3752.05 of the Revised Code within thirty days after the issuance of the order and maintain such a contact person; comply with divisions (A)(1) to (6) of section 3752.06 of the Revised Code within ninety days after issuance of the order unless the owner or operator has obtained an extension of time under division (B) of that section; and secure each building or structure at the facility where regulated operations occurred and that contains or is contaminated with regulated substances and each outdoor location of operation in compliance with section 3752.07 of the Revised Code within thirty days after the issuance of the order.
No person shall violate or fail to comply with a term or condition of an order issued under this division.
(C)(1) If the owner or operator of a facility for which a waiver was issued under division (A) of this section has not resumed regulated operations at the facility named in the waiver and has not obtained a renewal of the waiver under that division on or before the date specified in the waiver for the resumption of those operations, the owner or operator shall designate a contact person in connection with the facility in accordance with section 3752.05 of the Revised Code within thirty days after the date specified in the waiver for the resumption of regulated operations and maintain such a contact person; comply with divisions (A)(1) to (6) of section 3752.06 of the Revised Code within ninety days after that date unless the owner or operator has obtained an extension of time under division (B) of that section; and secure each building or structure at the facility where regulated operations occurred and that contains or is contaminated with regulated substances and each outdoor location of operation in compliance with section 3752.07 of the Revised Code within thirty days after that date.
No person shall fail to comply with division (C)(1) of this section.
(2) If the director determines that an owner or operator to whom a waiver was issued under division (A) of this section has failed to comply with division (C)(1) of this section, he may issue an order in accordance with Chapter 3745. of the Revised Code requiring the owner or operator, within a specified, reasonable length of time, to take the actions required by that division that the owner or operator failed to take within the times prescribed in that division.
No person shall violate a term or condition of an order issued under division (C)(2) of this section.