Effective: July 1, 1996
Latest Legislation: House Bill 98 - 120th General Assembly
(A) Each owner or operator who is required to submit a notice of cessation of all regulated operations under section 3752.04 of the Revised Code and a certification of the removal of regulated substances under section 3752.06 of the Revised Code shall designate a contact person in connection with the reporting facility. The contact person shall have the responsibility to provide access to the facility named in the notice and certification to the director of environmental protection or his authorized representative to inspect the facility for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with this chapter and rules adopted and orders issued under it. In addition, the director or his authorized representative may request information regarding the facility and compliance with this chapter and rules adopted and orders issued under it from the contact person and may notify the contact person of emergencies and other occurrences at the facility; however, the designation of a contact person does not preclude the director or his authorized representative from requesting any such information from or making any such notification to the owner or operator.
(B) The written designation of the contact person shall accompany the notice of the cessation of all regulated operations at the facility submitted under section 3752.04 of the Revised Code. The written designation shall include the address of the principal office of the owner or operator and the business or residence address and telephone number of the contact person and otherwise shall be in such form as the director prescribes.
(C) An owner or operator shall maintain a contact person for the purposes of this chapter until the director has concurred in the owner's or operator's certification of compliance with section 3752.06 of the Revised Code. If the contact person changes, the owner or operator, within fourteen days after the change, shall provide the director with the name and business or residence address and telephone number of the new contact person in such form and manner as the director prescribes.
(D) If the designated contact person changes his residence or business address or telephone number from that appearing on the record in the director's office, the owner or operator, or the contact person on behalf of the owner or operator, shall provide the director with the new address or telephone number in such form and manner as the director prescribes.
(E) No person shall fail to comply with this section.