Effective: July 1, 1996
Latest Legislation: House Bill 98 - 120th General Assembly
Unless the owner or operator of a reporting facility has submitted to the director of environmental protection in connection with the facility a notice of the temporary discontinuation of all regulated operations at the facility in compliance with division (A)(1) of section 3752.09 of the Revised Code or an application for a waiver in compliance with division (A) of section 3752.10 of the Revised Code, the owner or operator, not later than thirty days after the cessation of all regulated operations at the facility, shall submit to the director, the local emergency planning committee of the emergency planning district in which the facility is located, and the fire department having jurisdiction where the facility is located a notice of the cessation of all regulated operations at the facility. The notice shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the director.
No person shall fail to comply with this section.